Sunday, December 30, 2012

Interview Questions

 - Brief me about your self.
-  What is difference between Waterfall model and Agile using SCRUM.
-  Tell me about your latest project.
-  What are the major new features of .net 2.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5
-  what is diff between Java and .Net
-  What is satelite assembly.
-  What is delegate and Why we should use it.
-  What is multicast delegate.
-  What is difference between Delegate and Events
-  What is LINQ.
-  What is difference between IEnumerable and IQueryable.
-  What is difference between LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework.
-  What is annonymouse method.
-  What is Lambda expression. What can you use instead of lambda expression in LINQ.
-  What is Http Handler and HTTP Module.
-  What is Routing.?
-  What is REST ful services. Why we should use it.
-  What is difference between RESTFUL services and Normal WCF service.
-  What is major difference between IIS7 and IIS 6.
-  What is Application domain and what is application pool. What is the advantage of using applicaiton pool.
-  What to do if i wanted to cache only user control and share it for all request.
-  What is Application life cycle?  
-  Do you know about parallal processing.
- What is difference between == and Equals method.
- Can you use Language keyword as a variable name
- Is C# Static type language or Dynamic Type?
- How can you get most 2 highly earned person of department using sql from table Employee{Name, id, sal, dept}, Department {id, name}.
- what is sql profiler.
- What is shadowing
- What is different types of Contract in WCF.


Nik said...

Good one. Keep it updated

Nik said...

Good one. Keep it updated

Binal Patel said...

thnx bro...4 diz ..:)

B G Sable said...

nice one , keep this updated regularly

Unknown said...

Its Very cool blog atul, keep it up and help to got good project in us.

Thanks for this....

Anonymous said...

This blog would never be beneficial until you provide the answers as well.. Any person who has attended 1-2 interviews would have encountered these ques..
Did you create these ques just for freshers...??