Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Telephonic Interview With Hexaware (ISO)

  1. Please brief me about your experience in .net.
  2. What is difference between Overloading and Overriding.
  3. What is the difference between Virtual and Abstract keyword.
  4. How would you rate your self in design UI from 1-10.
  5. You've mentioned Entity framework in resume. Have you every worked with NHibernate.
  6. You have mentioned Dependency injection in resume. Which framework have you used for IOC?
  7. You have also worked with NServiceBus. What is the use of it.?
  8. Let me give you a scenario. There is a Web page which has 10 questions and you wanted to save answers to server. What will be your approach. 
  9. There is class call Person. which has properties like Firstname, Last name, and PhoneNuber. I wanted a list of only firstname then what will you do.
  10. Can you overload method if they have different return type but no of parameters are same.
  11. Can you declare a method Virtual and Private?

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